The RedBook is published!

Wednesday 29th November, 2006
redbook cover 20.png Good news everyone, our RedBook, "Migrating from Microsoft Exchange 2000/2003 to Lotus Notes and Domino 7" is just gone live. it is ended up at 856 pages and it was fun writing it. You can download a copy at IBM RedBooks site.

One of my concerns was, how does my photo look in the book, since I only sent John one of me looking very seriously and officially. I just could not find a photo which would look mere relaxed, and then it somehow slipped out of my mind. So when I found the mail in my Inbox announcing that our book is finished, and I am now a published author (I still can not believe it), the first think I thought of, that there probably would be no photo of me at all, but I was wrong. :-)

The hardcopy is yet unavailable, the text states, ti will come on November 30th.

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