Quiz: What is special in this picture?

Friday 7th August, 2009
Screenshot from my Mac Book Pro (early 2008 model)
This is a today's screen shot from my MacBookPro (Early 2008)

  1. 1) Palmi Said: (7.8.09 3:15:45 PM GMT) Gravatar Image
    its the Memory

    Cleary its the Memory - i have 10.5.1 installed on my T61

  2. 2) mrs_helm Said: (7.8.09 3:44:29 PM GMT) Gravatar Image
    my guesses

    ? The Mac running on an Intel Core Duo. ?

    ? The picture is from 2008 but the copyright is 1983 - 2009?

    ? 6GB *SD*RAM. ?

  3. 3) Hinshaw Said: (10.12.10 12:49:37 AM GMT) Gravatar Image

    I think is the Memory,too.

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